In 1952, Midlothian had a population of about 1200 people. Sunset Baptist Church in Dallas was led to plant a church in this small community. Calvary Baptist Church was born on 14th Street in downtown Midlothian with the purpose to reach the community for Christ.

A lot has changed in 73 years. Midlothian has grown from 1200 people to over 40,000. Calvary Baptist has since moved from 14th Street to our current location on South 9th. Our purpose however has not changed.
Calvary Baptist is on a mission to love our God with all our heart, soul and mind. We want to show our community how a family loving God can change your life.
Calvary Baptist Church is a part of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. We are traditional but not old or outdated. We sing hymns but also love praise and worship. Our Pastor preaches out of the Bible but teaches us how it applies to our lives today.
If you are looking for a place to belong, stop by and see what God's love looks like.